St George’s celebrates its connected community to mark Mental Health Awareness Week

Whole School

The Mental Health Foundation has identified the theme of loneliness for this week's Mental Health Awareness Week to highlight the importance of community and connectedness as key features in developing positive mental health. They have extensively researched the impact of the pandemic in terms of perceived loneliness, and believe the experience of enforced and protracted periods of being socially distanced from our friends, family and community, was a significant catalyst for the rise in the mental health issues seen today.

Find out more about the Mental Health Foundation's research 

St George’s is renowned for the warmth of its community, the diversity and integration of its pupil body and the importance placed on connection - with self, with others in the School community and with the world beyond. There is a delightful balance struck between boarding and day life, the House system with its full calendar of competitive events develops friendships across the year groups and all pupils are encouraged to get fully involved in the remarkably broad co-curricular programme that is embedded within the School day. St George’s girls are used to learning together, but perhaps, more profoundly, to living together with all the development benefits that brings. 

The challenge of the pandemic was to respond to the sense of loneliness experienced by many within our community and think outside the box to recreate that vital sense of connection with one another from which the School community had always traditionally benefited. The perseverance, imagination and determination shown, both by the girls and staff, to keep our community connected throughout lockdown and during restricted learning has created a firm foundation upon which to build for the future and many lessons learned from this time are invaluable as the School moves forward. Take a look at our reflections on this challenging time in the article below.

'How can schools reflect on and learn from 2020 and be #remotely ready for 2021?'

Connection is proudly at the heart of the St George’s ethos and the theme of ‘loneliness’ has, therefore, struck a profound chord with the School community. As something close to ‘normal’ life resumes, nurturing the positive mental health of our pupils remains a priority. Mental Awareness Health Week provides an invaluable opportunity to highlight the many strands of SGA life that intertwine to create the collective sense of connection all members of the St George’s community value so dearly.

Follow us on our social media this week to learn more about our connected SGA community.


Mental Health Awareness Week 2022